Anyone Can Join

Milea Estate Vineyard offers customers the unique opportunity to earn points with the exclusive Milea Miles program. These points may redeemed for wine, merchandise, and experiences. Anyone can join and earn 20 points for referring guests to our tasting room, but Milea Wine Club members receive bonus points depending on their membership level and activities.

In addition to the Rewards shown below, keep an eye out for additional redemption opportunities, including special dinners and events. Log into your Milea Miles account to view your miles, explore your redemption opportunities, and learn about new ways to learn points.

Earn Points

Anyone may earn Milea Miles, but Milea Wine Club Members maximize their Miles.
Our Wine Club tiers include Jumper, Grand Prix, and Triple Crown.
Learn more about Membership benefits on our Wine Club page.

Jumper Icon Grand Prix Icon Triple Crown Icon

Ways to Earn


Grand Prix

Triple Crown

Per Dollars Spent 1 Point 3 points 5 points
Tasting Referral* 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points
New Member Bonus at Club signup 100 points 200 points 400 points
New Club Member Referral 5,000 Points 5,000 Points 5,000 Points
Average Annual Points Earned 1,000 points 2,500 Points 10,000 Points
Tasting Referral 20 points 20 points 20 points
Join Jumper Join Grand Prix Join Triple Crown

* Please Note: Non-members may earn points via Tasting Referrals.
1 referral redemption per party and per unique email address, please.

The Rewards

Milea Wine Key

1,000 points

Milea Hat

1,000 points

50% Off a Case of Wine

5,000 points

Case of Your Choice for a Penny

10,000 points

Tour & Tasting
(Per Guest)

15,000 Points

Private Dinner
(per Guest)

25,000 Points

Private Dinner + Tour & tasting
(Per Guest)

40,000 Points

Overnight stay with Milea
(per guest)

40,000 Points

Tour & Tasting (Per Guest):

15,000 Points

PRivate Dinner (per Guest):

25,000 Points

Private Dinner + Tour & tasting (Per Guest):

40,000 Points

Overnight stay For 1 with Milea:

40,000 Points

Milea Wine Key:

1,000 points

Milea Hat:

1,000 points

50% Off a Case of Wine:

5,000 points

Case of Your Choice for a Penny:

10,000 points


luxury lodging

Milea Miles members may redeem 40,000 points for sumptuous overnight accommodations in the historic Staatsburg House. 

Ways to Earn

per Dollars Spent

Tasting Referral*

New Member Bonus at Club signup

New Club Member Referral

Average Annual Points Earned

Not Yet a Club Member?

* 1 referral redemption per party and per unique email address


1 Point

10 Points

100 points

5,000 Points

1,000 points

Earn 10 points per tasting referral,* or…

Grand Prix

3 points

10 Points

200 points

5,000 Points

2,500 Points

Earn 10 points per tasting referral,* or…

Triple Crown

5 points

10 Points

400 points

5,000 Points

10,000 Points

Earn 10 points per tasting referral,* or…